Some mortgage bankers and portfolio lenders are also wholesale lenders that deal with mortgage brokers, sometimes exclusively.
Most mortgage lenders have both wholesale and retail departments. Mortgage brokers prefer to obtain wholesale rates and then mark up these rates by adding points, presenting the borrowers with quotes that are similar to what borrowers could obtain directly from a retail lender. Mortgage brokers are free to set whatever prices they want, and have different methods for marking up wholesale rates.
Wholesale mortgage lenders generate residential mortgages through a network that includes independent brokers and lenders, offering a wide variety of home financing options: conventional, home equity, government, alternative and jumbo loans. All of these may be purchased from the mortgage professionals, including lenders and brokers, who make up a wholesale mortgage lenders network. The goal of the network is to ensure that both borrowers and lenders benefit from the transaction.
Different types of Wholesale Mortgage Lenders
• Wholesale Mortgage Lenders Network
This is a network of professionals working together in order to find the best deals for those involved in the mortgage process, including homeowners, lenders and even independent mortgage brokers. Professional loan consultants work with the homeowner in order to understand their needs and assist them in choosing the best mortgage program. Even people with less than perfect credit may be able to obtain a mortgage that will help them repair their bad credit, reduce their monthly payments or buy a home.
• Second Wholesale Mortgage Lenders
These mortgage lenders offer a range of second mortgage finance programs to help homeowners choose the right option. A second mortgage lender offers competitive rates for different loans. There are different types of second mortgage programs, like a cash-out second mortgage that can be taken out for debt consolidation and home improvement. It can also be used to consolidate high interest credit card debt. It could mean a re-mortgage and be used to purchase another property.
The lending criteria set by second wholesale mortgage lenders are very strict, though the cost is similar to first mortgages. There are also potential tax consequences as the second home or property could be classified as providing the rental income to the owner.
• Online Wholesale Mortgage Lenders
There usually are no upfront costs or obligations when you apply with an online mortgage lender. It offers flexibility both in applying online as well as in obtaining information about various mortgage programs. Quotes are also available for free and the homebuyer is under no obligation to apply with the lender. Rates and costs are easy to compare, since there are many available materials online to help the home-buying process. For advice on which online lender to choose, a professional mortgage advisor may be of help.
• Sub-Prime Wholesale Mortgage Lenders
These are lenders specializing in loan programs for those with less than perfect credit history. Sub-prime mortgages are usually written at a higher interest rates compared to ordinary mortgages. Because of the high cost, it can help in establishing or re-establishing a good credit record. Sub-prime mortgage lenders help credit-impaired borrowers obtain a mortgage. A sub-prime mortgage is for a short period compared to other programs. In order for a borrower to qualify for a sub-prime mortgage, a significant deposit amount towards the home is expected.
Stu Pearson has an interest in Business and Finance related topics. To access more information on reverse mortgage lender or on mortgage lender network, please click on the links.
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Friday, June 02, 2006
How to Find Wholesale Mortgage Lenders
Posted by
Robert Nichols
7:07 AM
Home Equity Loan - What Is It?
A home equitiy loan is a loan that you can take by keeping the equitiy that you hold in your home as collateral. To understand this we need to know what Home Equitiy is and what Collateral is.
Home Equity is nothing but how much of the value of the home actually belongs to you and for which you have paid. Let's take an example to understand this, suppose you buy a home giving a down payment for $20000 and the value of the house is $200000 today. The rest you will have to pay in mortgages. So your equity today is $20000. Now say after a year the house appreciates to $250000, you have been paying your monthly installments and the part of the principal (apart from interest) in your installments has been $5000 for the last year. So the value of your equitiy becomes the principal that you paid till now that is $25000 plus the appreciation of the home which is $50000 because that is also yours. So your total Home Equity is $75000.
Simply put that part of the house which you have paid for plus the appreciation. Collateral is the property that you pledge as a guarantee for the debt. This means that if you don't repay the debt the lender will take hold of the property and sell it to get his money back.
So to reinstate a Home Equitiy loan is a loan that you take keeping that part of your home as a security which you have already paid for and if you fail to repay the loan the lender will have the right to take possession of your home and sell it off to get his money.
Most of the time these loans have a repayment time of less than 15 years and is taken as one lump sum and once taken have to be paid off with a specified amount every month with a fixed rate of interest.
The interest that you pay on home equitiy loans may also be tax deductible but that depends on your current situation and you would have to take advice from your tax advisor to get an accurate picture of the same. Another benefit of course is that since this will be a secured debt you can get this for doing anything like buying a boat or taking a vacation and at competitive interest rates. This is because the loan is risk free for the lender as he has rights over your home and can sell it off to get his money back.
However buying a boat is hardly advisable!
The real benefit of this loan accrues from two facts – one is that it is risk free from the lender's point of view and so is got at a competitive rate. Another is that in today’s scenario the value of the houses of most people have gone up and because of that they can borrow significantly more (based on appreciation) than what they actually had paid for.
To take full advantage of this rise in prices the best way is to consolidate your other debt and pay it off using a Home Equitiy loan. Simply put take this low interest rate debt and pay off your higher interest debts and reduce your cash outflow on interest repayments, this would lead to a situation for you where you are paying lesser for the same amount of debt than you already are. However, you can spend this money in any way you wish be it home improvements or holidays. It is generally easy to get this loan and generally no appraisal is required.
Some companies are also offering Home Equitiy loans online and you can apply for them free online, get it approved online as well and get the cash in around 10 days or so.
While this is a good way to consolidate your debt and take advantage of the rise in prices in your home the lure of easy money is always dangerous and as such you should be careful what you are going to do with this money given that you are pledging your Home Equity which might well be the most valuable asset you own both financially as well as emotionally.
Author - Bill Darken - Oftn writes for and with loans-only which is as the name portrays. It has more relevant general loans assistance such as home, car, student and consolidation loans. There are highly informative eye opening articles and up-to-date loans news as well, you can see it at home equity loan or if the previous link is not working, you can paste this link in your browser -
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Posted by
Robert Nichols
7:06 AM
Independent Mortgage Advice
When considering any independent mortgage advice, it is essential to understand the mechanism of Usufructuary Mortgage. Under this mortgage, the mortgagor gives possession of the property or binds himself, either expressly or by implication, to give such possession to the mortgagee. The mortgagee is authorized to retain his possession over the property until the payment of the mortgage money is made and to receive rents and profits accruing from the property and to appropriate the same in lieu of interest or in payment of the mortgage money or in both.
The chief characteristics of usufructuary mortgage is the transfer of the possession over the mortgaged property to the mortgagee, who is entitled to receive income accruing these from and to appropriate the same towards the payment of the mortgage money and/or interest thereon. The liability of the mortgagor is thus gradually reduced.
It is worth mentioning in this regard that it is not necessary that a deed of mortgage must always refer to a particular rate of interest. It is certainly open to the parties to agree that the income from the property accruing over a certain period will be sufficient to cover the principal as well as the interest. In the case of a usufructuary mortgage, the mortgagor and the mortgagee agree that the entire amount due by the mortgagor to the mortgagee should be recouped by the mortgagee by the enjoyment of the usufructs from the mortgaged property over a specified number of years.
The document may not refer to any interest payable on the principal, even though an element of interest and its rate and income from the property might have gone into their calculation, when the parties determined the number of years during which the mortgagee was authorized to remain in possession of the mortgaged property for the purpose of reimbursing himself.
Mortgage Advice provides detailed information on Mortgage Advice, Online Mortgage Advice, Independent Mortgage Advice, Adverse Credit Mortgage Advice and more. Mortgage Advice is affiliated with How To Become A Mortgage Broker.
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Posted by
Robert Nichols
7:05 AM
Mortgage Advice
When a customer offers immovable property like land and a building as security for a loan, charge thereon is created by means of mortgage. Theoretically speaking, mortgage can be defined as the transfer on an interest in specific immovable property for the purpose of securing the payment of money, advanced or to be advanced by way of loan, an existing or future debt, or the performance of an engagement which may give rise to a pecuniary liability. In the whole process, the transferor is called mortgagor; the transferee mortgagee; the principal money and interest thereon, the payment of which is secured are called the mortgage money and
instrument, if any, by which the transfer is effected is called a mortgage deed.
The proper understanding of the above-mentioned terms is very important when considering any kind of mortgage advice. On the basis of these terms, a mortgage is the transfer of an interest in the specific immovable property and differs from sale wherein the ownership of the property is transferred. Transfer on an interest in the property means that the owner transfers some of the rights of ownership to the mortgagee and retains the remaining rights with himself. For example, a mortgagor retains the right of redemption of the mortgaged property.
It is worth mentioning that if there is more than one co-owner of an immovable property, every co-owner is entitled to mortgage in his share in the property. The property intended to be mortgaged must be specific. In other words, it can be described and identified by its location, size and other factors. The object of transfer of interest in the property must be to secure a loan or to ensure the performance of an engagement that results in monetary obligation. Thus the property may be mortgaged to provide security to the creditor in respect of the loans already taken by the mortgagor or in respect of the loans which he intends to take in future.
Mortgage Advice provides detailed information on Mortgage Advice, Online Mortgage Advice, Independent Mortgage Advice, Adverse Credit Mortgage Advice and more. Mortgage Advice is affiliated with How To Become A Mortgage Broker.
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Posted by
Robert Nichols
7:04 AM
Mortgage Loan: PITI Explained
If you are shopping for a mortgage loan you have probably seen the acronym PITI in many of the loan offers you receive. PITI stands for principal, interest, taxes, and insurance. Here is what you need to know about PITI.
Mortgage principal is the total balance of your loan. When you make your monthly mortgage payments you are gradually paying down this balance along with the interest due for that month. Mortgage loans are front loaded with interest so in the early years of your mortgage you will find very little of your mortgage payment is being applied to the principal loan balance. The interest paid on any given month is based on the outstanding principal balance; as the years go by more of your payment is applied to the principal balance and less is paid to the lender as interest.
Interest is what you pay the lender for loaning you the money to pay for your home. The interest is a percentage of the principal balance due. Interest rates come in two flavors: fixed rates that do not change over the term of the loan, and adjustable interest rates that change at regular intervals set in your loan contract. If you have an adjustable rate mortgage your interest rate is tied to some financial index plus the lender's markup. When the lender periodically updates your interest rate the amount of your monthly mortgage payment will change with it.
Property taxes are often included in your monthly payment amount. Lenders do this to protect their investment in your home; if you allow your property taxes to lapse, your State or local government could put a lien on your home. If this happens the lender would be unable to foreclose if you fall behind on your payments.
Your homeowner’s insurance policy protects your home from damages. Insurance premiums can be rolled into your monthly payment like property taxes; again, lenders do this to protect their interest in your property. Most homeowner’s insurance policies only protect your home against fire, vandalism, and certain other damages. If you live in an area prone to flooding the mortgage lender could require you to purchase flood insurance in addition to your homeowner’s policy. Mortgage lenders may require borrowers with poor credit or low down payments to purchase Private Mortgage Insurance in addition to their homeowner’s policy. Private Mortgage Insurance protects the lender from loses in the event of foreclosure. This insurance does nothing to protect you, the homeowner.
To learn more about shopping for the right mortgage and avoiding common mistakes, register for a free mortgage guidebook using the links below.
To get your free mortgage guidebook visit using the link below.
Louie Latour specializes in showing homeowners how to avoid common mortgage mistakes and predatory lenders. For a free copy of "Mortgage Refinancing: What You Need to Know," which teaches strategies to find the best mortgage and save thousands of dollars in the process, visit
Claim your free guidebook today at:
Apex Mortgage Refinance
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Posted by
Robert Nichols
7:02 AM
Second Mortgage Loan Rates
Today, there are many competitors in the mortgage business, and predictably there are also so many offers for the borrowers. To woe the borrowers there are many loan programs available in the market. But what the borrower has to keep in mind is that he should never fall into these loan traps, and the important thing to note is the loan rate.
If you have bad credit, you may expect a higher interest rate. So it is better to compare offers from many lenders to secure a better rate. A better offer can be from the flexible mortgage lenders. These mortgages can include interest-only mortgage loans, balloon-payment mortgage loans, as well as mortgages for long periods and mortgages with low interest rates.
The interest payments on a mortgage depend upon many factors like the rate on which the loan is obtained, the number of years of the mortgage loan, the down payment, and the amount financed. Even a slight difference in the interest rates can save you a lot of your hard-earned money. So it is important to get the right and relevant information.
There are different sources to get this vital information. The most important among them are the mortgage websites and the local newspapers. You can check the rates with your bank; mortgage rates fluctuate frequently according to the market trends and never remain unchanged for long periods.
It is better to check for online assistance, as there are plenty of online mortgage brokers. Here, you can check your credit score and get advice on the interest rates and terms of the mortgage loan.
Second Mortgage Loans provides detailed information on Second Mortgage Loans, Second Mortgage Loans After Bankruptcy, Second Home Equity Mortgage Loans, Second Mortgage Loan Rates and more. Second Mortgage Loans is affiliated with Florida Mortgage Loan Calculators.
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Posted by
Robert Nichols
7:01 AM
Online Mortgage Advice
To understand online mortgage advice, it is essential to know the forms of mortgages. In case of a simple mortgage, the mortgagor binds himself personally to pay the mortgage money. He does not give possession of property but agrees, expressly or impliedly, that if he fails to pay according to his contract, the mortgagee shall have a right to cause the mortgaged property to be sold and the proceeds of sale to be applied in payment of the mortgage money to the extent necessary.
It is worth pointing that the words “cause the mortgaged property to be sold” mean that the mortgagee shall have to seek the intervention of law for selling the mortgaged property. He himself is not authorized to sell the property. As the possession over the property remains with the mortgagor, such mortgage is called non-possessory. The mortgagor takes upon himself a personal obligation to repay the amount failing which the mortgagee gets two options. Firstly, apply to the court for permission to sell the mortgaged property or to file a suit for recovery of the whole amount without selling the property.
Then there exist a mortgage by conditional sale. Under this form of mortgage, the mortgagor ostensibly sells the mortgaged property with certain conditions. Firstly, that the sale shall become absolute if the mortgagor fails to pay the mortgage money on a certain date. Secondly, that the sale shall become void if the mortgagor pays the mortgage money and finally that the buyer shall transfer the property to the seller if the latter makes payment of the mortgage money on a certain date.
From the above conditions, it can be noted that all the conditions imply the same thing, i.e., on default of payment of the mortgage money, the mortgaged property shall be treated as sold to the transferee. It is, however, essential that such condition must be embodied in the mortgage deed.
Mortgage Advice provides detailed information on Mortgage Advice, Online Mortgage Advice, Independent Mortgage Advice, Adverse Credit Mortgage Advice and more. Mortgage Advice is affiliated with How To Become A Mortgage Broker.
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Posted by
Robert Nichols
7:00 AM
Home Equity Loan Basics You Need to Know
If you are a homeowner considering a home equity loan for any reason, there are several things you need to know before applying. Doing your homework and researching mortgage lenders will help you avoid common mistakes that could cost thousands of dollars. Here is what you need to know to avoid these costly mistakes.
Home equity, when used correctly, is one of the most powerful financial tools available to homeowners today. When home equity is abused it has the potential to land you in serious financial hot water. Taking out a home equity loan is simply a second mortgage loan secured by your property. If you default on the home equity loan the lender will foreclose and take your home.
Types of Home Equity Loans
Home equity loans come in two flavors: home equity lines of credit and second mortgages. A second mortgage pays a lump sum similar to your primary mortgage at a fixed interest rate. Home equity lines of credit allow you to borrow by writing checks or using a debit card against your equity. Equity lines of credit come with variable interest rates and are typically more expensive than a second mortgage. Home equity lines of credit have the advantage of allowing you to borrow smaller amounts that you can repay quickly; this could save you money depending on your reasons for borrowing equity.
How Much Can You Borrow?
The amount of equity you will qualify to borrow depends on the appraised value of your home, the balance of your principal mortgage, and the amount of equity you have in your home. The mortgage lender will evaluate the loan to value ratio of your home, the appraised value of the property, and your credit rating when determining how much you can borrow.
Other Options
Refinancing your primary mortgage with cash back is another option that could save you money over a home equity loan. You will need to carefully consider the costs associated with taking out a second mortgage or refinancing. Both options have similar costs: application fees, lender fees, and closing costs are a part both of home equity loans and refinancing with cash back. To avoid overpaying for your home equity loan you need to do your homework and research home equity lenders.
To learn more about avoiding common mortgage mistakes that will cause you to overpay for your home equity loan, register for a free mortgage guidebook using the links below.
To get your free mortgage guidebook visit using the link below.
Louie Latour specializes in showing homeowners how to avoid common mortgage mistakes and predatory lenders. For a free copy of "Mortgage Refinancing: What You Need to Know," which teaches strategies to find the best mortgage and save thousands of dollars in the process, visit
Claim your free guidebook today at:
Apex Mortgage Refinance
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Posted by
Robert Nichols
6:58 AM
3 Ways to Get a Lower Interest Rate
As interest rates begin to creep forward, many people will not buy that next home or investment property because they can no longer afford the loan. Below are three methods that are quite common and can get a borrower a lower interest rate than the brand-new 30 year fixed mortgage loan. Of course, many negative side effects can crawl out of the wood work with these methods, so one should prepare themselves and be careful.
1.) ARMs - ARMs are adjustable rate mortgages, meaning that the interest rate on the loan periodically adjusts, usually every six or twelve months. Initially, these types of loans will get one a lower interest rate than the compared 30 year fixed mortgage, but be very careful. Detail will not be delved into, but be careful because if interest rates are rising and most likely will be in the future, the interest rate on the ARM will surely rise every time it is evaluated; thus making the monthly payments in the long run considerably higher than those of the compared 30 year fixed mortgage.
2.) Loan Assumptions - One can sometimes assume an ARM loan form the home seller, thus giving them the interest rate of the older loan. This is a crafty way to get an ARM that has a lower interest rate than the new ARM loans being offered. Of course, 30 year fixed loans are rarely assumable, so with assuming an ARM loan, the dangers mentioned above in method one may also apply to this method.
3.) Seller Financing - Some home owners actually own their home. Often, these people will offer attractive financing with lower-than-average interest rates. Seller financed property may initially cost more than comparable property. But, with the lower-than-average interest rate, the buyer can easily afford to pay more for the property because the low interest rate balances the cost out.
In addition to the above three loan types, there are additional methods that can be used to get lower interest rates, such as, raising the points on the loan, excellent credit, or a large down payment.
The author is the founder and owner of and
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Posted by
Robert Nichols
6:56 AM
A Few Tips for First Time Buyers
It cannot be denied that emotions and excitements are associated with house purchasing. So it is necessary for first time home buyers to collect themselves and take care of a few things seriously to be really happy after buying a house through mortgage. Otherwise your house purchasing may become a heavy burden on you. In this regard first time home buyers will find the following tips much helpful.
At first it is necessary to decide how much money you can afford to spend for your home purchase. First time home buyers can do so by making an assessment of their income, assets, expenditure, debt level etc. In addition to the cost of the house they should consider other expenditure like down payment, closing cost, property tax, homeowner’s insurance etc. Being informed of all this costs they can go for a suitable deal.
After that they should dedicate a little time to search for the house that suits the needs in the best possible manner. First time home buyers should give prime importance to the availability of essential facilities while choosing the house. It should be located in a congenial atmosphere with good transportation, parks, school etc.
It is advisable to choose a mortgage with suitable terms. Terms are important for first time home buyers because these should be followed for a long time. Once you chose the mortgage its time for closing or settlement to get the transaction over. You will have to pay a small percentage of the purchasing price towards closing cost. When all these steps are over the house is yours; you can take possession of it and live in it peacefully.
About The Author
The author is a business writer specializing in finance and credit products and has written authoritative articles on the finance industry. He has done his masters in Business Administration and is currently assisting Easy-Buy-To-Let-Mortgages as a finance specialist.
For more information please visit
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Posted by
Robert Nichols
6:55 AM
Mortgage Loan: 40 Year Mortgage Loans
As the cost of real estate has risen significantly over the past years, many lenders have started offering new products to assist homeowners with their mortgage needs. One of these new mortgage offers is the 40 year home loan. Here are the pros and cons of this 40 year mortgage deal.
A 40 year mortgage is simply a mortgage with a 40 year amortization schedule. This means you will pay interest and loan principal to the mortgage lender for a 40 year period. The advantage of a 40 year mortgage is that the monthly payment will be much lower than a traditional 15 or 30 year mortgage. Suppose you borrowed $100,000 to purchase your home at 6.25% interest with a traditional 30 year mortgage; your monthly payment for this loan would be around $600. If you financed the same home with a 40 year mortgage you would pay a higher interest rate for the longer term; however, your monthly payment would be around $560. This might not seem like a lot, but if your monthly budget is stretched thin this could make a difference for you.
There are disadvantages to 40 year mortgage deals. Because the term is longer than a
traditional mortgage there is more risk for the mortgage lender; this risk is passed on to the borrower in the form of a higher interest rate. The interest rate you will receive for this loan is typically .25 or .375 points higher than a traditional mortgage depending on your credit rating. Another disadvantage of this 40 year mortgage is that you will make significantly more interest payments to the lender for that extra ten years of your mortgage. Mortgage loans are front loaded with interest; this means you pay most of the interest in the early years of the mortgage loan. This means you will build equity at a painfully slow rate with a 40 year mortgage deal.
Financing your home with a 40 year mortgage could tempt you to purchase more home than you can actually afford. This could lead to serious financial difficulties down the road. A 40 year mortgage could still be a good deal for homeowners that need low monthly mortgage payments. You can always refinance down the road when your financial picture improves; this will allow you to switch to a mortgage that builds equity in your home at a faster rate. To learn more about your options when it comes to your mortgage, register for a free mortgage guidebook using the links below.
To get your free mortgage guidebook visit using the link below.
Louie Latour specializes in showing homeowners how to avoid common mortgage mistakes and predatory lenders. For a free copy of "Mortgage Refinancing: What You Need to Know," which teaches strategies to find the best mortgage and save thousands of dollars in the process, visit
Claim your free guidebook today at:
Apex Mortgage Refinance
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Posted by
Robert Nichols
6:54 AM
How to Find a Home Mortgage Lender
Looking for a home loan? In searching for a home loan, there are three providers which you may choose from an officer at a bank, other lending institution or you may turn to a mortgage broker. Whichever provider you choose the end result is just the same and that is you get to have a new house.
Loan officers are actually employees working in a bank, a credit union or lending institution who work to sell and process mortgages and other loans. They offer a wide selection of loan types, but all originate from that specific lender. It is usually the job of the loan officer to take care of the client’s application and look for a specific loan product that would best suit their client’s needs. Once the client get credit approval, the loan officer will then start with the processing of the home purchase transaction.
On the other hand, mortgage brokers are people who match up lenders and borrowers. They are freelance agents, usually working with many different lenders. Mortgage brokers are the scouts of the mortgage industry since they are the ones that search and evaluate home buyers. They also analyze a client’s credit situation in order to find the best lender for that client. An expert mortgage broker is capable of finding various types of lenders to suit diverse types of credit.
A mortgage broker earns by securing a client’s loan and is paid according to the quality of the transaction. For your protection as the client it would be best not to offer any interest rate but rather wait for your mortgage broker to tell you what terms they can secure. And then try to shop around in order for you to make sure that the terms your mortgage broker has given you are reasonable. Also, try to be cautious when searching for mortgages advertised online since most of them are owned by mortgage brokers.
The advantage of hiring an online mortgage broker is that you make yourself available to lenders in other parts of the country who may have better rates than the ones in your hometown. However, there is a drawback to this, since most out of town lenders won’t be familiar with the peculiarities of where you live: local heating systems and septic systems, for example, or the jargon and classifications used by the appraisers in your area. All the above mentioned slows down loans made by an out of town lender.
Local banks are the most common mortgage lenders but not always the preferred choice. They have underwriters that basically understand the local properties and compared to a distant lender will not cause any delay on the processing of loan. Moreover, banks are always much better and faster in closing loans than any mortgage broker working with a lender. However, this is not generally applicable to all banks since there are some banks that really take a long time to process loans. On the other hand, mortgage brokers are capable of finding lenders who will grant loans that a bank would deny, which is especially ideal if ever you have a bad credit history.
Stu Pearson has an interest in Business and Finance related topics. To access more information on california mortgage lender or on home mortgage lender, please click on the links.
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Posted by
Robert Nichols
6:51 AM
Finding a Mortgage Broker Who Will Accept Bad Credit
Having a bad credit history is not ideal, especially if you're applying for a loan. If you're shopping for a mortgage, though, your chances of getting your loan approved are much better, and many mortgage brokers products designed for consumers with bad credit.
Why would loan providers disregard bad credit history when funding mortgages? Aren't loan providers afraid that the customer won't be able to pay off the loan? Even when clients have a good credit history it's impossible to predict if they'll make good on their loan, and borrowers with bad credit history have a record of falling behind on their payments.
Many astute mortgage loan providers agree to lend to people with bad credit, not out of charity but based on the FICO credit scores.
Borrowers with scores of 720 and above have loan providers chasing after them to take out mortgages, and borrowers who have credit scores ranging from 600 to 700 can also get good mortgage deals. Borrowers earning credit scores of 500 and below are considered to have bad credit. Most bad credit mortgages are used to purchase or build homes. If the buyer is a first-time homeowner, they may be eligible for a special first-time buyer mortgage.
For the protection of the lender, someone taking a bad credit mortgage cannot borrow as much as with other mortgages. This lowers the risk for lenders the borrower defaults on the loan. The borrower will have to make a deposit of greater size, too. Required deposits for regular mortgages are about 25%, but the deposit for bad credit mortgage may be much higher to cover the risk of lending.
Some unscrupulous loan providers claim that bad credit mortgages are rarely approved and that borrowers wouldn’t have been able to mortgage their house without the special assistance of their company's bad credit program, charging high interest rates and fees. Many borrowers with bad credit believe them and pay far more than they should for broker services – so shop around for a mortgage lender who won't take advantage of your bad credit history.
Stu Pearson has an interest in Business and Finance related topics. To access more information on mortgage lender or on bad credit mortgage lender, please click on the links.
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Posted by
Robert Nichols
6:49 AM